That’s a Wrap: Pentecost “Deleted Scenes”

That’s a Wrap: Pentecost “Deleted Scenes”

I made this project in my eighth grade religion class. We were learning about the book of Acts and about Pentecost. This project helped us to use what we’ve learned to create a portrayal of how we thought the disciples felt in the days before Pentecost. My group decided to create a puppet show because we thought it would be the best way to show the different reactions of the disciples. I’m most proud of the puppets we created and of our script for the puppet show. It was difficult to hold up the puppets, hide under the table, and read the script (with masks on) all at once. But we eventually managed to do it after a couple of tries. Though, if we could do the project again, we would move the puppets around more so you can tell which disciple’s talking. Then we would also speak louder and with more annunciation so you can hear what we’re saying through our masks.

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